1. Iletrados

    The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn

    Alvin Toffler. Rethinking the Future

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  2. Ninety-Ninety Rule

    The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time.

    Attributed to Tom Cargill of Bell Labs. (http://sun.soci.niu.edu/~rslade/secgloss.htm , not working?)

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  3. Videojuegos y niños

    Los videojuegos no afectan a los niños: quiero decir, si pacman nos hubiera afectado de niños, estariamos todos moviendonos por habitaciones oscuras, tragando pastillas mágicas y escuchando música electrónica repetitiva.

    Kristian Wilson, Nintendo inc., 1989. Programación

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  4. Efficiency

    Efficiency comes from elegant solutions, not optimized programs. Optimization is just a few correctness-preserving transformations away.

    Johnathan Sobel

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  5. Genetic Algorithms

    If we were, for example, to search the best person amon the world's 4.5 billions people as rapidly as the GA, we would only need to talk to four or five people before making our near optimal selection

    David Goldberg (leido en Artificial life, Steven Levy, p. 175)

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  6. Mistakes in your DNA

    Well, this is true if one little bit of DNA is wrong out of your billions of bits in the chain, you may get sickle cell anemia and die at age 15. But the fact is there's probably millions of mistakes in your DNA, but most don't matter.

    John Koza …

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  7. Hablan de ti

    Llegó un discípulo de Socrates con él y le dijo:

    • Maestro, quiero contarte como un amigo tuyo estuvo hablando de ti con malevolencia...

    Socrates lo interrumpió diciendo:

    • ¡Espera! Ya hiciste pasar a traves de los tres filtros lo que me vas a decir?

    • Los tres filtros?

    • Sí -replicó Socrates- el …

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